Rise Of The Bots

Rise Of The Bots

November 24, 20213 min read

For far too long, we as marketers have worried about things such as: page loading times, fancy page design, wondering if you should capture email and first or last name (or risk killing conversions), which landing page software to use, etc. when collecting leads online. Now, there is now a new kid on the block that threatens to dethrone this increasingly archaic form of marketing.

Enter: Facebook Messenger Bot Funnels. With Facebook Messenger now passing over 1.2 Billion Users and catching up to WhatsApp, it has now become extremely viable and profitable to begin to use the power of Messenger Bots, in combination with the tried and true ways of Email Marketing, to funnel cold traffic into raving fans (without the need for a traditional landing page.)

Here is a step by step tutorial on how to eliminate the need your landing page and begin to harness the rising powers of the FB Bot army:

1. Create your Facebook Bot

Right now, the two biggest platform contenders for building your bot are Chatfuel and Manychat. You can Google whichever one you prefer. For the purposes of this tutorial, I will be usingChatfuel. However, I do believe the same can be achieved in Manychat.

2. Set up a Sequence in Chatfuel requesting an attribute “email” from the User.

In Chatfuel, you have blocks that control a sequence of messages. Create a “User Input” element and set it to “email.” Chatfuel will automatically make it so that the user has to input an email as the next message that they send. (Pro-tip: Make sure to let the user know that ONLY their FULL email will work.)

3. Open a Zapier account.

We will be using Zapier as the webhook to connect Chatfuel and your preferred autoresponder. For this tutorial, we will be using Active Campaign.

4. Create the Trigger to be Webhooks by Zapier and Action to be Adding a Contact to Your Autoresponder’s Automation.

Connect Zapier to your autoresponder login and finish setting up the Zap. You are almost ready to test!

5. Add the JSON API code to Chatfuel in the same Block that you are requesting the email from the user.

Once you get your Webhook code, you will be able to input it into Chatfuel and test data passing through. I recommend setting up the , , and attributes to be sent to your auto-responder.

And just like that, you have a FB Messenger Bot that you can use to run more engaging Facebook Ads and automatically sends your opt-ins to your autoresponder, while also retaining their first and last names for more personalized follow up.

Not only that, but you have a list of people on your FB bot platform that you can follow up with (Just make sure to abide by Facebook’s ever-evolving terms and conditions to avoid losing broadcast privilege.)

“What about retargeting?” you might ask.

Simple solution: You can create a custom audience with people that engage with your FB bot and then subtract your audience whose emails you already have. Then you can retarget the people who were interested enough to engage with your bot, but didn’t give you their email.

Happy funneling!

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