There are two secrets to booking more sales calls from a lead or webinar funnel. First, you must position your brand, product, or service as the sole answer to your ideal clients’ problem. Next, you must leverage automation to provide a fast and easy path to schedule a call with you. This is how you create the slippery slide that prospects go down after they first meet you — the irresistible path from “Hey, nice to meet you” to foaming at the mouth with excitement asking, “When can we talk?”
The secret is blending these 2 powerful conversion techniques.
The first technique we’ll discuss is all about positioning an irresistible core offer. The second technique adds additional conversion opportunities to your existing funnel. The result? You’ll book more sales calls from your lead or webinar funnel.
First, let’s lay a little groundwork. The entire purpose of your lead or webinar funnel is to book more sales calls (or “consultations”) with your ideal clients. Some of those ideal clients will be eager to meet with you while others will need more time to get to know you, like you, and trust you before committing the time to hear what you have to say. No matter how far along your prospect is in the buyer journey, these two techniques will fast-track your conversion opportunities (even before registrants attend your webinar or make it all the way through your funnel).
Conversion Technique #1 — Positioning Your Irresistible Offer
Your offer is ultimately the answer to the question, “Why should I spend time to meet with you?” If you said, “Well, it’s a FREE consultation,” or “It’s just a meeting to see if we should work together,” then you need to go back to the drawing board. A little reality check — prospects don’t care about you. They’ll only spend their precious time with you if they think you can solve their problems right now. Plant this seed in their mind, and they’ll be booking with you faster than ever before. All you need to do is position yourself properly, which I’m about to show you how.
The 7 Fundamentals of High-Converting Offers (and some samples)
Let’s take a look at the fundamentals of high-converting offers and some samples, so you can see irresistible positioning at work.
The 7 Fundamentals of Irresistible Offers:
Fulfills immediate desires
Easy (and clear) to take your offer
Shows speed to results
Intrigues curiosity (so you want more)
Challenges ego and/or traditional beliefs
Uses powerful words to spark visual imagery
Sets clear expectations for what’s to come
Here are a few examples:
Let’s use an accountant who serves small businesses. Normally, an accountant’s offer is a “FREE Consultation,” right? You’ll also see this painfully boring offer used by financial advisors, insurance agents, consultants, and other professional service businesses.
When you hear “FREE Consultation” what do you think? I think, “Great, a chance for him to pitch me for an hour… What am I going to get out of this?” Have you ever met someone in professional services who said, “Gosh, my prospects are really kicking down the doors to take me up on my FREE Consultation!”
And to pour salt on the wound, most companies with the “FREE Consultation” offer never make it easy or exciting for their prospects to nab the offer. They just say, “If you’d like to get to know me and see how I can help you grow your business, schedule a FREE Consultation.” Sexy right? Aaah… no. Horrid.
The “FREE Consultation” offer does not embody the 7 fundamentals of a high converting offer. Let’s break it down…
Does the offer “FREE Consultation” pass the 7 fundamentals test?
Fulfills immediate desires — NO
Easy (and clear) to take your offer — NO
Shows speed to results — NO
Intrigues curiosity (so you want more) — NO
Challenges ego and/or traditional beliefs — NO
Uses powerful words to spark visual imagery — NO
Sets clear expectations for what’s to come — NO
Instead, the accountant needs to focus on fulfilling the immediate desires of her prospect. What makes someone search for a new accountant? Usually, it’s because they aren’t satisfied with their current accountant. Likely because they felt like they paid too much in taxes and weren’t advised properly.
Use the 7 fundamentals checklist to start building your offer like this… (using the accountant as an example).
Fulfills immediate desires.
Reducing tax exposure.
Easy (and clear) to take your offer
It’s easy to book time with me at no cost.
Shows speed to results
I can help them pay less in taxes right away.
Intrigues curiosity (so you want more)
Makes my prospect feel like, “If I saved this much in just a 45-minute meeting, imagine what she’ll do for me once we are working together!”
Challenges ego and/or traditional beliefs
Makes the prospect think, “Why didn’t my last accountant do this with me?”
Uses powerful words to spark visual imagery
Tax Reduction
Sets clear expectations for what’s to come
In just 45 minutes, you’ll have a 3-step plan to reduce your tax exposure.
Now that you have all 7 fundamentals planned out, it’s time to link the offer together. You may not be able to build all 7 fundamentals into the name of your core offer, but you will certainly be able to use all 7 elements throughout your sales funnel in the content and copy you write.
Here’s the accountant’s new offer: Get Your Personalized Tax Reduction Plan — FREE.
Imagine you land on the website of two separate accountants. One says, “FREE Consultation” and the other says, “Get a Personalized Tax Reduction Plan — FREE.” What would you do next? The answer is pretty obvious, isn’t it? It doesn’t even require much reading through the website to see if this accountant is a good fit.
Right away you know that this accountant is focused on reducing your taxes, which is exactly what you want.
Let’s run the new offer through the 7 fundamentals test.
Fulfills immediate desires — YES
Easy (and clear) to take your offer — YES
Shows speed to results — YES
Intrigues curiosity (so you want more) — YES
Challenges ego and/or traditional beliefs — YES
Uses powerful words to spark visual imagery — YES
Sets clear expectations for what’s to come — YES
You’ll notice a few things at play with this new offer: Get Your Personalized Tax Reduction Plan — FREE. It not only passes the 7 fundamentals test, it also speaks to the personalized level of service, attention, and value-based meeting (not a sales pitch). It also lets the prospect know exactly what to expect during the meeting and what they’ll walk away with after the meeting.
5 Steps to Naming Your Offer
When you name your core offer, you need to make sure it embodies all 7 fundamentals of high-converting offers. Then you need to snaz up your copy to make it sexy and irresistible. Don’t worry if you think you’re a lousy writer. The process below will work for everyone. In the end, you’ll have a concise, powerful, and irresistible offer! Let’s begin.
Step #1 — Write your offer out simply and straightforward. Don’t overthink it, just start writing!
Ex: I will help entrepreneurs find ways to reduce their tax exposure in a free 45-minute meeting.
Step #2 — Personalize it. Make the reader of your offer feel like you are talking to them 1-on-1.
Ex: I will help you find ways to reduce your personal tax exposure in a free 45-minute meeting.
See how we changed the language to read like a personal dialogue by using the word “you?” We also referenced the word “personal” to show that the plan is designed around their specific needs (not some generic garbage).
Step #3 — Paint a clear picture of what they’ll get. People will always have expectations. They will either be based on exactly what you say, or they’ll make them up. Make sure your offer is crystal clear and sets the expectation you want them to have.
Ex: I will give you a plan to reduce your personal tax exposure in a free 45-minute meeting.
See how we made it very specific as to what they’ll get? We changed it from “help you…” to state exactly what they’ll get. The expectation for the meeting is crystal clear, and the prospect knows what he’ll walk away with after the meeting. People love plans. They are simple and easy to follow.
Step #4 — Potentitize it with visual and emotionally-charged words. Every word, when read or heard, creates a visual and/or emotional response. Some words are just stronger than others. Examples: Create the change you’ve always wanted. -OR- TRIGGER the TRANSFORMATION you’ve always craved. Reach your full potential. -OR — UNLOCK your full potential. Choose words that resonate with your target market.
Ex: I will give you a personalized tax reduction plan in a free 45-minute meeting.
You’ll notice the word choice “tax reduction” instead of “saving” or “reducing exposure.” Tax reduction sounds immediate and triggers the emotion of saving money far more than saying, “I’ll save you money on your taxes.”
Using the phrase “tax reduction” anchors the reader to think about keeping as much as they can of their own money (before even paying taxes). Tax reduction means giving the government less of my money, which I deserve.
Whereas “tax savings” makes me think about the taxes I’m already paying to the government (money I’m parting with no matter what). The reader thinks, “I get to pay the government less.” Although the outcome is the same, using the phrase “tax reduction” is more empowering and plays into the mind of most entrepreneurs who feel they should be keeping as much as they can of the money they earn.
Step #5 — Simplify it. Make your offer as short and quick to read as possible. It goes like this…
I will give you a personalized tax reduction plan in a free 45-minute meeting.
I will give you a personalized tax reduction plan in a free meeting.
I will give you a personalized tax reduction plan — FREE.
Get Your Personalized Tax Reduction Plan — FREE.
Get a FREE Tax Reduction Plan.
FREE Tax Reduction Plan.
See how we gradually chipped away at eliminating or combining words? The meeting was implied, so we cut that out. The time didn’t matter (they’ll figure out how long the meeting is when they schedule), and we emphasized FREE. Having a boiled down, concise offer helps prospects understand exactly what they are going to get and how it will make their life better immediately.
Now that you have your core offer defined and written, you use snippets of it for calls-to-action or buttons on your website. Something like this… [Get Your Tax Reduction Plan] or [FREE Tax Reduction Plan]. The essence is there and we cut out part of it for brevity sake when a visual real estate is sparse, but the core message stays the same — tax reduction plan.
Now that your offer is properly positioned (goodbye “FREE Consultation!”), we can move onto Technique #2 — How to place your offer in front of prospects to optimize conversion.
Conversion Technique #2 — Convert More High-Ticket Sales Calls at Every Stage of Your Funnel
Now that you have positioned your irresistible offer, it’s time to build it into your lead or webinar funnel as a conversion tool. We do this two ways.
#1 — Using “tripwires”
#2 — In every email.
Your lead or webinar funnel serves one purpose and one purpose only. To position your product or service as the answer to the ideal prospect’s biggest, most pressing problem (or question). Every step of the funnel should provide “more of what they want.”
Let’s use the accountant for example.
A prospect downloads the FREE Guide: 3 Tax Reduction Strategies Every Entrepreneur Should Be Using.
Then they are redirected by a “tripwire” to an invitation to the webinar: The Tax Reduction Plan Entrepreneurs Are Using to Reduce Their Quarterly Taxes by Up To 12.7%.
See how the offer is “more of what they want?” The biggest problem/question of the ideal prospect (an entrepreneur) is paying too much in taxes. So naturally, the prospect registers for the webinar.
Success, right?
Not so fast. We still don’t know if the prospect will show up to the webinar, but we do know one thing for sure. The prospect is 100% focused on what you have to say right now and clearly wants more, so let’s offer it to him.
Instead of displaying a “Confirmation Page” for the webinar and simply emailing the prospect, let’s use another “tripwire” page to both confirm the registration and invite the prospect to join you, the accountant, to prepare a FREE Personalized Tax Reduction Plan.
By giving your prospect “more of what they want,” you will absolutely increase conversion. It’s simple math and psychology. First, you are providing the prospect exactly what they want by fulfilling their desires in a linear, logical fashion. Next, you are giving the prospect an easy, no-brainer invitation to get the personalized help that
addresses their core problem.
Let’s look at the numbers.
Let’s say 30% of your webinar registrants actually show up to your webinar. That’s an immediate prospect attrition of 70%. So if you don’t capitalize on the prospect’s attention while you have it, they may never see the offer.
The same goes for email. Even if your webinar confirmation email is the only place you invite them to the FREE Tax Reduction Plan meeting, you will still only reach 55–70% of registrants — and that is with a great open rate!
The trick is to…
Capitalize on attention anytime you have it. Give the prospect “more of what they want” — instantly.
Leverage every single prospect touch point for a conversion opportunity.
Building Your High-Converting Lead or Webinar Funnel
This is how you build an irresistibly slippery funnel. The most important component of your sales funnel success is your core offer and how it is linked to every single part of your funnel like a story… a consistent theme that gets your prospect begging for more and continually giving them “more of what they want.”
The takeaway: it’s not just about the offer itself, it’s how that constructed offer is delivered and what you do with your prospects attention when you have it. Each stage of your sales funnel should be linked to make it as easy as possible to slip down it. Use “tripwire” pages to continually offer “more of what they want” to provide the fastest, easiest path to booking a sales call or consultation with you. Don’t forget, leverage every single touch point to introduce prospects to your core offer — however you decide to position your sales call (reference above for my simple step-by-step guide).
Once your offer is crafted and your funnel is designed, you’ll witness your conversion rates increase (it’s simple math), and you’ll consistently book more sales calls from your lead or webinar funnel.
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